birthday wish list

It's my birthday in one month (exactly! hehe) so I have been thinking of what I would like to get if I am lucky enough to get any birthday money ;)
top of my list is an iPad ... I WILL be getting one ... somehow! At some point I need to get a tripod so my dad can have his back and have you ever smelt Cath Kidstons Wild Rose Hand Cream? Its beautiful! I am also loving Emma Bridgewaters JOY mug ... as Joy is my middle name, I think I need to get one at some point! haha. Always loving a good book to read, and these pretty dresses from Nomads waving at me, wanting me to buy them!
If I am honest though, it will probably be only the iPad which will involve some of my saving too ... eeek! can't wait!


  1. I may be able to help you out with a tripod, got a lot of photographer friends online :)
    I broke my tripod a few weeks ago and one of them kindly offered me his "spare" tripod (worth around £60) for just postage costs! Bargain.


I love reading your comments ... thank you xx