It's been a really surreal day today ... we walked into town through the snow ... on the way Bex told me about a phone conversation she had had before we left ... can't tell you the details ... but totally unbelievably surreal!
Town was deserted, but the Post Office sorting office was full of people collecting their post as we haven't had any all week ... there was an old man there cracking jokes ... very funny ... then we went to Morrisons ... it was HEAVING ... busier than before Christmas, the queus were all the way down the isle and to the end of the shop! There was also no milk in the whole shop! Again, it was an old man that was keeping everyone amused!
The walk home was horrid though ... the bags of food were heavy and the snow was going in our face. I had a terrible headache when we got home .... I think I was feeling tense when walking while beeing cold :(
We got some food for our neighbours too ... sadly the old man over the road who had a stroke just before Christmas couldn't remember me even though we have met loads of times before :(
Town was deserted, but the Post Office sorting office was full of people collecting their post as we haven't had any all week ... there was an old man there cracking jokes ... very funny ... then we went to Morrisons ... it was HEAVING ... busier than before Christmas, the queus were all the way down the isle and to the end of the shop! There was also no milk in the whole shop! Again, it was an old man that was keeping everyone amused!
The walk home was horrid though ... the bags of food were heavy and the snow was going in our face. I had a terrible headache when we got home .... I think I was feeling tense when walking while beeing cold :(
We got some food for our neighbours too ... sadly the old man over the road who had a stroke just before Christmas couldn't remember me even though we have met loads of times before :(
I love reading your comments ... thank you xx