saturday spaces :: WOOL STORAGE

So how do you store your wool? How do you keep it from getting all tangled up?
Until recently I kept mine in bags of matching colours in big plastic storage boxes. But this Easter I treated myself to some new storage .... a laundry chest and large basket. I still keep them in bags of matching colours, but it looks better than plastic boxes :)
Here are some other lovely ways to keep your wool ...
Isn't this cupboard just mouthwatering.
... and this is for a serious wool collector.
This is just cute ... 
.... why not make a feature of your balls of wool? 
Anyone got a vintage old case lying around?
I think this one is just beautiful ... but how do you stop them toppling out when you want a ball from the bottom? 
The perfect storage solution ... a permanent rainbow 
So how do you store your wool? If you have any great ideas I would love to see.

Images via PINTEREST


  1. Teri said ...

    oh great Maria, loads of ideas there! I have stored mine in plastic boxes (that I bought from an obliging friend I wonder who?) and I often have pretty bags of wool with each project I'm working on and then there is always THAT bag...the one that is just a jumbled mess of tangles generally helped by the paw of a cat or a dog! I love the idea of keeping them in baskets, maybe by colour. A project for the future maybe :-) But I do love your arrangement, very stylish and practical xxx

    13th August 2011

    1. wouldn't it be fabulous to have the space to store the wool like some of these! ......... ahh well I can dream! haha x

    2. Teri said ...

      hehe yeah! the dream to have a room dedicated to crafts and be beautifully organised and inspiring :-) dreams are good! xxx

      13th August 2011


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