bookshelf :: NOCTURNES

I started reading this book at the beginning of the year and for some reason hardly read at all this year ... Well the last few weeks I have managed to finish it!!

Nocturnes by JOHN CONNOLY
I read The Book Of Lost Things by John Connolly years ago and totally loved it and although when I started it I didn't realise Nocutrnes was a book of short stories, I loved this one too. It reminded me of The Man In Black short stories on radio 4. They are all slightly supernatural, sometimes spooky and sometimes disturbing but all great reads ... I don't know why it took me so long to read it, maybe because it's been a crazy year, but once I got back into it, I couldn't put it down. If you like dark stories then this is the book for you and if you haven't read The Book Of Lost Things, then get a copy of that too!!


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