draw something

Well, I have been sucked in ... and am now a bit of a fan ... sorry folks ;)

I have heard a lot of tweets and facebook comments about the Draw Something app, so this weekend when my brother and his wife came to stay, I persuaded them to get it too and we spent most of Friday night sending each other pictures. This was not easy for my poor sister-in-law who has a broken hand thumb and was drawing with her wrong hand ... but we did laugh a lot.

These are some of my pictures i have drawn for people to guess what the word is.

Some of them have the answer showing cos I took the picture when it was sent back to me showing that it had been guessed correctly.

I am not sure if my pictures are improving and I have seen some that people have done on the internet that are amazing ... its probably easier to do if you have an iPad rather than an iPhone, but its good fun :)

This starwars one is one my brother did for me to send to my friend (shhh ... don't tell her, she thinks I did it)

it a lot more fun when you have a few people sending you pictures, and I am amazed at how many of my facebook friends and family have this app ... but if you want to have a game with me, my user name is mariainthewood

I haven't drawn this much in ages :) haha


  1. Sharon said ...

    I have been playing this recently too! Lots of fun. :) I haven't tried it on the iPhone though, not sure I could cope with the small screen! Love my iPad. Xxx

    10th April 2012

    1. I'm saving up for an iPad, so I am just thinking of the masterpieces I will be able to draw! hahaha

      10th April 2012

  2. Kimmie @ Sugar and Dots said ...

    Great post! :) I'm new here- thought I would say hello and let you know that I adore your blog so far! Off to stalk the rest of your site... Have a wonderful week, sugar! xo

    10th April 2012


I love reading your comments ... thank you xx