I had decided I wanted to make it into a cushion cover so just knitted it 15 inches wide and kept going till I was nearly out of wool
I decided when I was nearly near the end that I would actually do a long bolster cushion rather than a square one ... I have a couple of pine chests (full of fabric and other craft bits) and they are great for sitting on too but a cushion along the back would make it a little more comfortable. We also have a lovely bench that is out on the decking, and now the weather is warming up, a cushion would make it even more lovely being out there!
so I sewed up the side long-ways and across one end
Then when my mum came over yesterday she adapted a pillow and made it into a long cushion ... I was going to do it myself but she loves to be busy and so got on with it while I was having a shower after she had dyed my hair (oh yes she works hard when she comes for a visit! haha)
I ended up sewing up the end though rather than put buttons on it, so if it needs washing I will have to undo it ... so be warned if you come visit ... please don't spill anything on it! ;)
I love it so much and its just enough to support your back!
I do have some lovely tweed fabric that I want to make cushions for the outside bench, but until I get round to that, this works perfectly.
I love reading your comments ... thank you xx